Category: News
Summary of Sacramento Bee Article: She’s prosecuted rapists and murderers without batting an eye. But what happened to her son was devastating Anne Marie Schubert, the district attorney of Sacramento, took her son to the mountains for some hiking when he tripped and fell, causing him muscle pain. Shubert took her son to the doctors to… Read more…
Huffington Post Censors Another Reporter /Author

Martha Rosenberg Commits Heresy in the Eyes of Mainstream News Martha Rosenberg, a reporter who says she has been with The Huffington Post for 7 years, wrote an article that is considered taboo. The article subject? — Vaccines. More specifically, she wrote an article that tried to elicit common sense thinking, in an upside… Read more…

Please Donate The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge(IPAK) is asking for donations to fund a study analysis done to counter a report via The Institute of Medicine. The report concluded with “a high degree of confidence” that the MMR vaccine is not associated with Autism. You can find out more details here and make… Read more…

Proof of no link? On April 20, 2015, Autism Speaks debuted an article with a huge splash heading: No MMR-Autism Link in Large Study of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Kids –Study of over 95,000 children included 15,000 unvaccinated 2 to 5 year olds and nearly 2,000 kids already considered at high risk for autism… Read more…

Project Pediatric is a program run by The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge. They offer the ability to purchase the book “The Environmental, and Genetic Causes of Autism” by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, and” Vaxxed” the Movie, and send them both to a pediatrician of your choice. You can do so anonymously if you choose…. Read more…

Over the Past Year
It is so exciting to launch the vActivists site for the new 2017 year! So much has happened this past year, and it brings both hope and fear for what we will face in the upcoming year. To recap some highlights of this past year: We seemingly have a new beginning (soon) with a new… Read more…